AvenueInsider |
So Faux, They are Genuine
As stated in
AVENUEinsider, Half Gallery's, Bill Powers says, "more doppelganger than appropriation artist, Eneas Capalbo, celebrates the tenth anniversary of his Fake Condos series just as the real George Condo stages his own survey blocks away at
The New Museum."
Most people may say that this has been done and over done, but Eneas feels quite the opposite, instead paying tribute to the virtuosity and brushstrokes of his predecessor's work in all too real time and further complicating matters by having
George Condo himself attend the inauguration of these Fake Condo paintings when they debuted in 2001, prompting The New York Times to question the very provenance of the pieces themselves. So perhaps more than anything, these paintings are a call to complicity, an open rejection of the dictatorial nature creation demands. And they are cool-looking, too.
FAKE CONDO'S runs through Monday, February 14 at the Half Gallery, open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays.
The Half Gallery is located at 208 Forsyth Street, near East Houston Street.
The New Museum is located at 235 Bowery, near Stanton Street.